Thursday, August 25, 2005


Two weekends ago I had the pleasure of playing in a reunion game of
Ultimate Frisbee during the weekend festivities of Anna and Tim's
wedding. I don't believe that I've played since my senior year at
Alma and I had forgotten how much fun it is. When I got back up to
Tech I took the initiative to look into 'Ultimate' opportunities here
on campus. Turns out there is a semi-serious traveling team that
competes here at Tech called "Disco Tech". I got myself on the
mailing list and attended the first tryout yesterday afternoon. Off
the field, the group is lighthearted and nobody takes themselves to
seriously. On the field... well, common procedure is to run
through, over, or on top of anything that might be in between you and
the frisbee, which is a bit of a shock the first time you are
trampled by three guys wearing cleats! I wouldn't say they play
dirty necessarily, but rather the level of physicality expected is
closer to hockey game then a croquet match. On the same token, most
everyone is willing to sacrafice life and limb to dive for the
perfect catch without thought of consequence (i.e. pavement). All in
all, i think I held my own. Next practice is on Monday. Meanwhile,
i'll nurse my wounds. I think this might be part of the weeding out

1 comment:

Scott said...

Sounds intense, maybe take a mouth gaurd and some shoulder pads next time. Good Luck. Keep us posted on the try-out process.