Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Did you ever have something so overwhelming that it consumed 99% of
all your thoughts? Both awake and asleep? I keep managing to follow
through with my daily routine though, which makes we wonder: When I
wasn't so stressed out, what in the world did I think about for that
99% of the time?


Laurie said...

I've been there, Jerry. I think we think about the mundane for that 99% of the time when we're not stressed. Like what to make for dinner, what needs to be done around the apartment...but when the stress kicks in, we just do all those things on autopilot and think about the important stuff.

Anonymous said...

Um, definitely. Like a bunch of times, actually. Basically, I had something like that for 7 of the 9 months of my final year at Central. And it continued for a year and a half after that, too. As for the time when I'm not stressed...which isn't very often...I think I just think about other people and what they're doing...