Monday, November 07, 2005


Originally uploaded by jrossjr.
6 days in Princeton, 3 in New York.

“Every day is like a week, and every night is a weekend”

“One minute, one block too late”

I don’t think I could ever summarize everything that happened in the past week. I’ll try and fit a couple stories in over the next couple days. I managed to see three shows while in NYC: Rent, Avenue Q, and Mr. Marmalade. I would have gone to a Sunday matinee but our flight was at 5:30 and the show would have been at 2:00, a little risky. For many of the shows they have “The Lottery” where they raffle off the front two rows of seats 2 hours before the show for only 20 bucks a piece (as opposed to $105). I won the raffle for Rent the first night we were there, lost for Avenue Q, Wicked, and Spelling Bee. I hated to have to leave, but even if work wasn’t demanding my return, my finances would not have sustained much more abuse.


JM said...

I would love to have seen Rent on broadway, but like you said finances are a big factor. I guess I'll just have to see it when it premieres as a movie.

Anonymous said...

So glad you had the opportunity to go! It is an amazing place and how wonderful for you to have seen the shows you did. :-) Thanks for letting me hear Rent!!

Anonymous said...

great this, great there

greetz here

Scott said...

Very cool, I want to hear more stories.