Thursday, November 17, 2005

In a blink of an eye

I have always felt that I had control of my life. Every now and then a surprise would come my way, but never anything to entirely derail me. I never worried about the unknown, the unpredictable, or how integrated my life is with others. Now, more then ever, I realize that I am at the whim of the hand of fate. Barreling forward without a plan or direction to go, and only a prayer that God can see the road that I cannot. It is very humbling.


Scott said...

i understand.

Anonymous said...

What, did you ride in a car with Fossum? That is a life altering experience.

Anonymous said...

What's going on, dude? Hope everything's ok. Give me call or somethin'. And believe me, I totally understand those feelings - they pretty much run my life.