Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Bleeding out the intelligence of the world

A thought: Let us generalize for a moment. The smarter a person is, the more likely they are to seek higher education: bachelors, masters, PhD, post doc. Statistically, the longer a person is in school, the longer they will put off starting a family. An example: I will be 26 by the time I have my PhD and I will likely be 28-30 before I have my first child, if not older. If I go for a Post Doc, that'll set that back even further. Now, the other side. The less intelligent and/or irresposible side of the gene pool tend leave school as early as possible. These high school drop-outs are statistically resposible for the majority of teenage pregnancies. One could argue that the cause and effect is reversed, but that attests to their irresposibility instead of their lack of intelligence. In either case, this group is reproducing during the ages of 13-19. This same group statistically produces more then the national average of 2.5 children.
Conclusion: The less intelligent/resposible (read: undesirable genes) of the world are reproducing at twice the rate of the intelligent folk, and they are having more children to boot. We are methodically weading out intelligence in the world. Darwin is turning over in his grave! Any thoughts??


Anonymous said...

when the heck did you become a philosopher? I love it!!! I thoroughly enjoyed your piece. Part of the reason I don't want to be in school anymore has to do with marriage and family. I guess it depends on what your priorities are and if you can wait to have children. You did forget to mention you age when actually marrying though. Was that intentional? Lol Love ya.

Anonymous said...

Now how does this correlate with the fact that an decreasing percentage of the american populace controls an increasing percentage of money/power? Sincer we're generalizing anyway, is it fair to say that the same demographic that is "bleeding out the intelligence" is also creating/amplifying the great financial divide?

Anonymous said...

This world is going straight to hell. Since I was kicked out of the gene pool a long time ago, I'm not too worried. I'll just sit back and borrow against my future awaiting the collapse of the world finanical markets.

Anonymous said...

I'm gathering that Dean is not the deep philosophical type...